Tip 7 – Write every page as if it’s a landing page
It’s easy to forget that visitors to your website will not behave as you’d expect them to. People tend to read web pages diagonally, not left to right, and often scan headlines and images before they read your body copy.
Also, when you’re well-represented in search engines like Google, your customer journey is going to change. For example, if you’ve optimised all your pages individually, have invested in online videos and are active on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, you are likely to have quite a presence on search engine results pages. This means that your potential customers will be coming to your site from all directions and will not necessarily land on your homepage first.
Each of your web pages will therefore need to be fairly self-contained. If you can write each page as if it were a landing page, with clearly defined headings, images and calls to action, you won’t go far wrong.