Today, we’re proud to show our support for the Voices Education Project.
Here’s what it’s all about:
Through the Voices Education Project, we provide films, curricula, books, photo exhibits, web-based self-publishing and information resources, hands-on training for teachers – and a methodology of conflict resolution – that will help young people understand the roots of conflict, confront the pain and fear at the heart of conflict, and help to rebuild healthy human communities.
Our “Power of Words” video is currently being featured on the Voices Education Project website as part of “Words and Violence” to address bullying on an individual and global scale. Its mission is “to create a more humane narrative on the planet.”
Hop on over to their website now to show your support and see how the “Power of Words” is being used in the curriculum and how you can get involved. As if you needed any more incentive, Alicia Keys just joined the project, too!
If you want to share your experience with the Voices project please get in touch.
Don’t forget you can follow Purplefeather on Facebook and Twitter.
See you soon!