How many of us are guilty of saying, “I’ll try?” I think we’ve all said this at one time or another. Now while the word ‘try’ is not completely negative like the words ‘no’ or ‘can’t’, saying you’ll try to do something is like setting yourself up for failure. You’re telling yourself that either you don’t believe in something or that you’re not committed to it. It’s a halfway attempt.
Trying gives you an easy way out. How far can you get if your mindset is to TRY to be successful? The great Yoda said it best, “Do or don’t. There is no try.” Don’t try to succeed, demand success! Don’t say you’re trying to be healthy, say I AM being healthy. Eliminating the word try from these statements has made them more like an affirmation – you’ve turned them into a positive and there’s no wiggle room for failure.
I demonstrate this with my coaching clients by asking them to try and pick up a book. They usually hesitate and then go ahead and pick up the book. When I shake my head they look confused. ‘I didn’t actually ask you to pick up the book, I asked you to try and pick up the book.’ Impossible isn’t it? Then the penny drops and they usually smile (or throw the book at me :)). I give them full permission to pull me up on ‘trying’ too, because it’s something I’m continually working on.
As small as this word may be, it is quite powerful. Removing it from your vocabulary will be like a breath of fresh air. You will be surprised how much more living you do in your life, when there is no other option then to just DO or NOT DO. This can work wonders in your professional and personal life, because we all have the innate power to attract anything we desire.
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