January is drawing to a close (how did it pass so quickly?), and with that comes National Storytelling Week. Organised by the Society for Storytelling and beginning tomorrow (26th January), it aims to promote what they describe as ‘the oldest art form in the world’.
It might be old, but by no means is it dated. In fact, we believe that storytelling is more relevant than ever. . .
Businesses tell stories because people remember them, and it’s a way of identifying emotionally with your customers.
Take the new Microsoft Internet Explorer ad. Aimed at the child of the 90s, the ad takes ‘Generation Y’ on a nostalgic trip down memory lane. Bowl hair cuts, check. Light up trainers, check. Cassette players and floppy disks, most certainly CHECK. The ad tells the story of its audience, and cleverly draws parallels with its own journey using the tagline “you grew up, so did we.” The association between the viewer’s journey and the brand helps to create an emotional connection with the audience – an audience they are trying to win back from competitors Firefox and Google Chrome.
Will they do it? Only time will tell . . . but they’re going the right way about it.
Email hello@purplefeather.co.uk to find out how we can help you tell your brand story