Marleen Oetzel of LnF Dog Rescue in Delaware has a very text-rich website. Just by making images more prominent in her marketing, she has been able to breathe energy into her campaign and save more doggy lives.
After all, who wouldn’t be won over by this little cutie?
Marleen is one of the most inspirational people we’ve ever met. She’s spent all her life (and most of her retirement fund) rescuing dogs who’ve been sentenced to horrific existences. Some of the stories she has to tell will make you weep. These dogs have been shot, starved, had limbs broken or been left to die.
Penny (pictured above) was left chained up without food or water for 3 weeks, having just given birth to 3 pups. She gnawed all her teeth down to the gums to try and save her babies but they all died in the dirt because she wasn’t able to reach them. Penny has thankfully since been adopted by a wonderful family. And thanks to Marleen’s work – and the internet – many of these abandoned dogs will find loving homes.
Marleen is struggling to continue her work without much-needed donations. We’re currently helping her improve her website and intend to support her as much as we can.
If you’d like to help Marleen save more lives this Christmas please visit http://www.lnfdogs.org and share this story with your friends.
Love and thanks