Thanksgiving is a time of the year where the power of words is more evident than ever. Yesterday morning I wasn’t in the best of moods. I was trying to work out a new plugin for our website, and not being the most technical minded, it was a frustrating process! I decided to have a break and check the hello@purplefeather email account. I saw a message entitled ‘An American Holiday’. Intrigued, I opened the email and what came next made a real difference to my day – it cheered me right up! Here’s what it said:
“Thanksgiving tomorrow 11-28 is an American holiday. We give thanks for many things, our blessings , our friends, our families, and the list goes on. One of the things I am thankful for is stumbling over Purplefeather. That one video [The Power of Words] changed the way I communicate with co workers, bosses and subordinates, I even talk with my kids ( young adults) differently, I may not be formally trained in your technique, but I have changed the words I use and it truly has changed the responses.
So as this is not one of your official holidays (I think), I invite you to share the intent of this holiday with your family and friends tomorrow. May the good Lord watch over you and those you hold close to your heart. May you prosper in the coming year, Happy Thanksgiving”
I hope this email has inspired you, as it did me, to take a moment and think about the people you are thankful for.
Pass it forward and give the gift of kind words today 🙂