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CopywritingTop 10

Top 10 Web Copywriting Tips – Tip #2

By January 19, 2011June 11th, 2019No Comments

Top 10 Web Copywriting TipsHere’s the second in our series of top 10 web copywriting tips:-

2.    Structure your pages

If you’re selling products or services on your website, you should be aiming for 3 or 4 clicks between your homepage and your final sales page. Momentum is key – keep the customer journey as simple as possible, help people move through your site with minimum effort and you’re less likely to lose them along the way.

The homepage needs to showcase the products and/or services you offer and should lead to a secondary information page. This is where you pre-sell your goods. Not everyone uses the internet to buy; some people like to research and compare products and services. If you can make this process easy for them, you’re more likely to inspire their trust and hopefully their custom.

Your homepage should clearly showcase the services or product categories you offer. Think of it as your shop window. Remember, your potential customers probably already know what they’re looking for and if it’s not clear on your homepage that you can help them, they’ll go elsewhere.

Your homepage will link to pre-selling pages for each of your products or services. This is where you start building the trust. Use these pages to give more detailed information, but don’t forget they still need to sell. Bullet points can be good if you’ve got a lot of information to convey.

And finally, there’s the sales or enquiry page. Don’t wimp out at this point – if your customers have got this far, you definitely don’t want to lose them. Keep your copy strong, summarise the benefits of purchasing from you and make sure you mention any after-sales care or money-back guarantees you’re offering. Finally, make sure your Buy Button is prominent and attractive!
