Tip 4 – Decide what you’re going to say before you say it
How many times did you hear that in your school English lessons? Writing a web page is a bit like writing an essay – but much shorter! Tell them what you’re going to say, say it, and then summarise what you’ve said.
Once you’ve decided on your page structure, you need to decide exactly what each page’s purpose is. What do you want your customer to do as a result of reading/interacting with your content? And don’t wait until the end of the page to insert your Calls To Action.
When you’ve written a first draft of your content, read it back to yourself (aloud if possible). Then:-
a) Take out unnecessary words (usually adjectives)
b) Make sure your keywords are incorporated (approx 5-7% of your content should be keywords)
d) Revisit your content from your customer’s perspective – does it tell them what they need to know? Does the tone address their needs rather than your organisation’s?